Alan is the founder and a director of the CM Group consulting business. He is a metallurgical engineer (University of South Australia) with a Master’s Degree in Management of Technology (University of Melbourne). Alan has over 30 years’ industry experience in base metals, specialising in supply-side analysis, cost assessment, primary production, technology development and process improvement.

Alan is part of the global aluminium industry fabric; he is a regular and sought-after speaker at international conferences and events, advises governments and testified at the US International Trade Commission (ITC) hearing into the global aluminium market. He also presents regularly to industry groups such as the International Aluminium Institute (IAI), the Aluminum Association (AA) and the International Magnesium Association (IMA).

Alan’s connections into China’s base and minor metals industries have been forged over more than a decade of direct research and consulting. He boasts an extensive ‘guanxi’ (network) across the breadth of many of China’s metals industries.

Alan has lived and worked in China, Australia and the UK and spent many months on the ground conducting research projects in countries as diverse as Russia, South Africa, Jamaica, Argentina and Guinea.


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