Cnal News

24th March: 3,072 t of Indonesian bauxite loaded in 96 open-cart rail carriages departed Qinhuangdao Station Hebei for Yuanping Station in Shanxi to be used at the SPIC Shanxi refinery. The introduction of the imported bauxite transport route signifies that SPIC Shanxi has achieved integrated port to station rail transport and is progressing with changing from road to rail transport.

SPIC Shanxi refinery first started using imported bauxite in 2018, gradually increasing its demand to six mtpy as of today. As of 20th March 2020, a total of 3.61 mln t of imported bauxite had been sent from Jingtanggang Port and Caofeidian Port Hebei to the company in 2020.

As of 24th March, 54.6 kt of Indonesian bauxite had arrived at Qinhuangdao Port, for transport by rail from Qinhuangdao to Yuanping for SPIC. A total of 1 mln t of imported bauxite is expected to be sent from Qinhuangdao Port during 2020.


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