Asian Metals News

 Henan Heungkong Wanji’s monthly consumption of imported bauxite has been in decline by 50% since November. The company began using imported bauxite in April 2019, with total 2019 consumption expected at 1.8 mln t.

Heungkong Wanji’s alumina refinery, designed with 1.4 mtpy alumina capacity, has three production lines (2 LTs and 1 HT). One LT line was suspended in early November due to environmental issues and the other LT production line is now producing aluminum hydroxide. The company consumed 300 kt of imported bauxite in October, 150 kt in November and its December consumption is expected to be 150 kt. The company is capable of consuming 4.8 mln t of imported bauxite per annum.

Heungkong Wanji refinery chiefly uses Guinean bauxite and is holding 70 kt in stock. The current price for Guinean bauxite Al2O3 45% (min), SiO2 3%(max) grade is standing between USD 50~53/t CIF China.


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