China Commodity Marketplace

The domestic tungsten market remains stable, with tungsten concentrate producers holding firm on prices and few low-price transactions. Mainstream wolframite prices are RMB80,000~82,000/t (65% WO3), scheelite prices are RMB79,000~81,000/t (65% WO3) and tungsten concentrate prices are at RMB77,000~79,000/t (50~55% WO3). Downstream buyers are only restocking for existing orders and are uninterested in high-price offers.

The domestic APT market appears flat, seeing mainstream APT prices sitting at RMB123,000~124,000/t. Transactions have been sparse, and sales above RMB122,000/t by cash are difficult as downstream buyers remain cautious about restocking amid weak demand. Furthermore, performance of the overseas market continues to be weak, seeing APT FOB China prices stable at USD206~226/MTU (RMB 129,000~140,000/t) this Wednesday.


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